Sunday, August 5, 2007

T-Minus 52 Day's Until.. GO TIME

J Alright Mich and I just created this website, true that I'll be doing most of the typing and maintaining the site but I'll certainly be asking her for input into what goes up, she often proves that she uses way more words in a day then I do. lol

M Hey people, I just want to say we're getting excited about our big trip. We're getting tons of planning done now (nothing like the pressure of less then two months before we leave to motivate) however we would love any and all tips into where we should travel, what we should bring, get those thinking caps on. Thanks for all the support. Oh and don't forget we're leaving behind our old email addresses as we're giving up on Telus (Jesse is happy for that), so write down our new address, it's at the top of the page! Thnx

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