J Well the time is upon us, we're leaving for London in a few hours. It's a warm sunny day out, our packs are full and ready to go, and our home is clean, empty, and ready for it's new owner. (even if just temporary)
We didn't get to see everyone we wanted to one last time before we left, but it has been a busy week getting things in order. We did get to spent some quality time with family members which was great. This will be our longest adventure away from home, and for me the first one overseas. I'm very excited, a little nervous, but pretty relaxed, Michelle however is a little more stressed than I, so I may have to give her a back/foot-rub on the plane.
By the way, our phone line will be disconnected so we'll probably have a new # once we get home, our cell phone numbers won't change but they're not activated at the moment so don't bother calling, EMAIL US! The address is at the bottom of the blog, so scroll down.
One last thing, please feel free to leave us comments, after every post you can click on the little icon (I believe it's a pencil or a letter), I don't think you need to sign up or anything. It'll let us know that people are reading and give us encouragement to keep this thing updated at least weekly. Thanks for the support, and see you on the other side! (of the Atlantic Ocean that is)
M We're leaving on a Jet plane, don't know when we'll be back again. lol Bye!
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