Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One more thing off the checklist

J So in the wee hours of the morning I purchased Travel/Medical insurance. This in itself is unusual as most insurance companies either annoy the hell out of you making you go to their offices in person, fill out pages of forms, or worse yet have you do a physical checkup proving your in the best of health pre-trip. The company we went with is called World Nomads, I was able to peruse their comprehensive travel insurance at my leisure online, and was able to purchase the policy at about 1 a.m. in the morning while in my pajamas. It's comes recommended by the well known Lonely Planet, which is a world travel resource, they have guide books and a website. The policy cost well under $600 for 6 months, and the best part is it's easy to extend coverage while on the road. Also the policy covered both Michelle and I, and if we had children it would cover them as well. For the ease of use, the cost, and the fact it has got good reviews online, I'm confident we made a good choice. Well I made the choice I guess, Michelle was sleeping soundly in the other room. lol

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